Balance of Loans of Turkmen Banks Exceed 88.9 Billion Manats

Balance of Loans of Turkmen Banks Exceed 88.9 Billion Manats
The total amount of loan balances provided to citizens and non-state entrepreneurs in national currency as of January 1, 2023 amounted to more than 19 billion manats.

As of January 1, 2023, the total amount of loan balances allocated by credit institutions of Turkmenistan to enterprises, organizations and population in national currency amounted to more than 88.9 billion manats, which is 13 percent more compared to the same period of 2022. Back then, the loan balances totaled 78.6 billion manats, according to the e-magazine Bank Habarlary published by the Central Bank of Turkmenistan.

As of January 1 this year, the amount of loan balances allocated to state institutions and enterprises amounted to over 57.68 billion manats, which exceeds the relevant indicator for the same period of 2022 by 6.4 percent. During the same period last year, such loan balances totaled more than 54.2 billion manats.

According to the Central Bank statistics as of January 1 this year, the amount of loan balances provided to non-state companies and organizations in national currency totaled 12.155 billion manats, a 37.7 percent increase compared to the same period of 2022. The total amount of loan balances as of January 1, 2022 totaled 8.882 billion manats.

Moreover, the total amount of loan balances provided to citizens and non-state entrepreneurs in national currency as of January 1, 2023 amounted to more than 19 billion manats, which is 22 percent more compared to same period of 2022. Back then, this figure stood at 15.58 billion manats.

The total amount of non-cash transactions via bank cards in Turkmenistan exceeded 14,7 billion manats.


March 15, 2025