Turkmenistan Celebrates Novruz Holiday

Turkmenistan Celebrates Novruz Holiday
The main events of this holiday took place in the capital Ashgabat on the banks of the Karakum River.

The people of Turkmenistan solemnly celebrated the National Spring Holiday – International Novruz Day on Monday.

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in his festive adress to the people of Turkmenistan on occasion of Novruz holiday said, “This holiday, which has firmly entered the life of not only Turkmens, but also all eastern peoples, has become a celebration of peace, humanism, friendship and brotherhood. Being a symbol of rebirth, flowering and renewal, Novruz develops peace, unity and trust among people. Good neighborliness, mutually beneficial ties, trust in each other are the basic principles of Novruz”.

The main events of this holiday took place in the capital Ashgabat on the banks of the Karakum River, where an impromptu town, recreating in basic details the Turkmen traditional way of life with colorful rituals, has opened its doors, the official media of Turkmenistan report.

The town includes yurts, trestle beds, farmsteads with domestic animals, smoking kazans, oriental bazaar with its flowery trading tents, lively barkers and artists who amuse the people.

The festivity gathered honorary elders, representatives of various labor collectives, numerous Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital.

The celebrations on the banks of the Karakum River consisted of music and dances by creative groups, singers and folklore ensembles.

The festivities also included an agricultural exposition representing the rich national traditions of farming and the fruits of Turkmenistan.

The domestic producers also exhibited their agricultural products, seedlings, and fresh flowers, which have become the embodiment of beauty, fertility and fragrance.

The festivities continued on Tuesday.

Inscribed in 2009 on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as a cultural tradition observed by numerous peoples, Nowruz is a festivity marking the first day of spring and the renewal of nature.

Photos: State News Agency of Turkmenistan

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