January-November: China Imports Turkmen Gas For $8.82 Billion

January-November: China Imports Turkmen Gas For $8.82 Billion
Employees of a Sinopec subsidiary conduct a safety inspection of natural gas production and operation equipment in east China's Shandong province, March 28, 2021. (Photo: China Daily)

China imported Turkmen gas for $8.82 billion in January-November this year, China's General Administration of Customs reports. 

According to the report, the other major pipeline gas suppliers to China are Russia, Myanmar and Kazakhstan.

China imported Turkmen gas for $6.63 billion in January-August this year.

Turkmenistan currently exports natural gas to China via three pipelines along the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China route. The pipeline system can transport 55 bcm of gas a year, with the majority of the supplies provided by Turkmenistan and the rest provided by Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

February 15, 2025