Commercial Buildings and Gas Stations Open in Ashgabat

Commercial Buildings and Gas Stations Open in Ashgabat
The opening ceremony of the commercial buildings on Hoja Ahmet Yasawy Street, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, May 25, 2024

The capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, has commissioned eight commercial buildings on Hoja Ahmet Yasawy Street and fully renovated gas station No. 142 on Ankara Street in the Kopetdag district.

As reported by the official media of Turkmenistan on Saturday, the newly opened buildings near the Garagum Hotel include Nur bina gurluşyk, Bina nury, Ýakymly kümüş suwy, Türkmen bina gurluşyk, Ylham senagat, Nurly meýdan, and Bagtyýar gurluşyk.

The ground floor of these buildings is allocated for shops, service units, and snack bars, providing opportunities for businesses to trade and offer services. The upper floors will be used for office space for entrepreneurs. All workspaces are equipped with modern technological equipment and have facilities for business meetings and various events.

The fully renovated gas station No. 142 can now serve more than 1,500 vehicles per day.

The station, covering an area of 1 hectare, includes an administrative building, five fuel storage tanks with a capacity of 60 cubic meters each, and other engineering facilities.