Turkmenistan, Russia Discuss Collaborative Educational and Cultural Projects

Turkmenistan, Russia Discuss Collaborative Educational and Cultural Projects
Meeting of Turkmenistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, June 13, 2024, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan and Russia discussed the establishment of the Russian-Turkmen University, the construction of a new building for the State Russian Drama Theater, and an additional building for the Russian-Turkmen A.S. Pushkin Secondary School in Ashgabat.

According to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov addressed the matter on Thursday in Ashgabat during a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev.

Konstantin Kosachev expressed confidence that the meetings in Ashgabat will be an important milestone in activating parliamentary relations between Russia and Turkmenistan as a crucial partner.

On the same day, Kosachev met with the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Dunyagozel Gulmanova and the Chairperson of the Mejlis Committee on Legislation and its Norms, and the Head of the Friendship Group of the Turkmen Mejlis with the Federation Council Batyr Bayliev. The discussions focused on the prospects of parliamentary cooperation between Russia and Turkmenistan.

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