New Mineral Fertilizer Complex to Be Built in Turkmenistan

New Mineral Fertilizer Complex to Be Built in Turkmenistan
Garabogazkarbamid Plant in Balkan province, Turkmenistan

During a Cabinet meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, B. Annammammedov, reported on the ongoing efforts to modernize the enterprises of the State Concern "Türkmenhimiýa" to boost the production of high-quality products in demand both domestically and internationally.

The report highlighted the comprehensive work being carried out to expand the capacities of the Maryazot Production Association. Specialists from the State Concern have prepared technical specifications for the design and turnkey construction of a new mineral fertilizer complex, including external engineering systems.

It was noted that the implementation of this project will expand the range of mineral products produced in Turkmenistan, fully meet the needs of domestic agricultural producers for fertilizers, and allow for surplus exports to foreign countries.

A proposal regarding the project was presented to the President of Turkmenistan for consideration.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of establishing new, modern production facilities that meet current demands.

In support of the proposal to build the fertilizer production complex in Mary district, Mary province, the President instructed the relevant authorities to carry out the necessary work to justify the project.


Source: TDH