Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Meets With Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Meets With Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund
Meeting of the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, with Acting Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund. September 11, 2024, Turkmenistan.

On Wednesday, at the "Islim–Çeşme" border point in the city of Serhetabat, Takhtabazar district, Mary region, National Leader of the Turkmen people and Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, met with the Acting Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund.

Expressing his sincere gratitude for the warm reception and hospitality, Mullah Akhund emphasized the significance of today's historic events in strengthening cooperation between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, founded on good neighborly traditions.

As noted during the meeting, Turkmenistan, as Afghanistan's closest neighbor, actively supports international efforts to ensure political and economic stability in Afghanistan and consistently provides assistance. Gratitude was expressed to Hero-Arkadag, as well as to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, for their noble efforts in this regard.

The guest highlighted that the long-standing relations between the Afghan and Turkmen peoples are reaching a new qualitative level. The opening of a new railway bridge at the Serhetabat–Turgundi crossing, the start of the construction of the Serhetabat–Herat gas pipeline and the Serhetabat–Herat fiber-optic communication line, known as "Arkadagyň ak ýoly," and other projects such as the storage complex at the dry port of Turgundi, the construction of the Turgundi–Sanabar railway, and the commissioning of the "Nur-el-Jahad" power plant in Afghanistan’s Herat province, are of historic importance.

In response, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, expressed his pleasure at seeing the acting Afghan leader on Turkmen soil and reaffirmed that relations between the two friendly nations are based on mutual respect, good neighborliness, and brotherhood. This is reflected in the implementation of joint large-scale projects, particularly in transportation, communication, and energy sectors.

Hero-Arkadag emphasized that the projects inaugurated today mark a new chapter in bilateral cooperation and highlighted the importance of major projects, especially the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) gas pipeline, the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan (TAP) power transmission lines, and the development of railroads. He noted that these projects not only benefit both countries but also contribute to the socio-economic development of neighboring countries in the region.

Turkmenistan is committed to continuing its comprehensive economic, political, and diplomatic support to Afghanistan, both bilaterally and on the international stage. Neutrality and the policy of "open doors" are central to Turkmenistan's course for promoting global peace and fostering mutually beneficial cooperation.

During the meeting, which took place in an atmosphere of trust and constructive dialogue, other important issues of bilateral partnership were also discussed.

In conclusion, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund exchanged well-wishes for health and prosperity.


Source: TDH