Lezzetli Miwe Expects Rich Harvest of Fruits

Lezzetli Miwe Expects Rich Harvest of Fruits

In accordance with the Program of development of the domestic agricultural sector, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in Turkmenistan were allocated thousands of hectares of land for planting fruit trees in different regions of the country several years ago.

Today, these gardens began to bear fruit, generously giving Turkmen citizens grapes, apples, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, and quince with incomparable taste.

Private gardeners build their fruit businesses based on the use of advanced irrigation technologies and equipment. One of these companies is Lezzetli Miwe economic society which leased 100 hectares in the Hiwat farming association in the Kaka etrap of Ahal velayat in 2016 to plant fruit trees.

“We have tested intensive technologies for the creation and cultivation of an orchard, selected the most suitable sorts for our climatic conditions, observed how imported trees survived, noted the risks, and experimented with the use of means of protection against garden pests” says entrepreneur N.Pirliyev.

According to Pirliyev, the natural conditions of Turkmenistan are favorable for the cultivation of environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits, which are known for their taste and nutritional qualities, and in high demand in the domestic and foreign markets.

In the current season, Lezzetli Miwe gardeners expect a rich harvest of apples and peaches, which will soon be harvested at the farm.

March 13, 2025