Number of Greenhouse Complexes in Lebap Velayat Exceeds Twenty

Number of Greenhouse Complexes in Lebap Velayat Exceeds Twenty
The construction of a modern greenhouse complex has been completed in the Sayat district of the region.

More than 20 large greenhouse complexes, which employ several hundred people, operate in the Amu Darya river basin of the Lebap velayat, with another 15 such large objects under construction.

The construction of a modern greenhouse complex has been completed in the Sayat district of the region. 1,5 hectare greenhouse, which uses Dutch planting technology, grows several varieties of tomatoes characterized by high productivity and good taste.

The private greenhouse is built of modern structures, equipped with profile equipment that automatically regulates optimal lighting, temperature and humidity, irrigation and top dressing of crops.

Entrepreneurs in the eastern region of Turkmenistan make a significant contribution to the implementation of state programs of import substitution and export orientation by supplying fruits and vegetables to the country's trading network, as well as to the foreign markets.