Farmers in Eastern Turkmenistan Harvest 32 thousand Tons of Potatoes

Farmers in Eastern Turkmenistan Harvest 32 thousand Tons of Potatoes
Most of the produced vegetables, melons, fruits and potatoes are sent to the markets of the country, while the rest is stored in refrigerated warehouses.

Farmers in Turkmenistan’s eastern velayat of Lebap harvested over 32 thousand tons of potatoes this year, the country’s official media reported on Wednesday.

During the period, the farmers in Lebap also collected over 13.6 thousand tons of tomatoes, more than 22.5 thousand tons of onion, over 4.5 thousand tons of cabbage and 42 thousand tons of gourds.

The velayat’s farmers also obtained a rich harvest of mung beans and beans, according to the report.

Most of the produced vegetables, melons, fruits and potatoes are sent to the markets of the country, while the rest is stored in refrigerated warehouses of the Miwe Agro-Industrial Association.

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