How are Actions Restricting Competition Among Businesses Prevented in Turkmenistan?

How are Actions Restricting Competition Among Businesses Prevented in Turkmenistan?
Profits received as a result of restricting competition and other actions not provided for by law are subject to recovery in the prescribed manner.

According to the Law of Turkmenistan on Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs are not allowed to use actions that restrict competition, unless otherwise provided by the legislative acts of Turkmenistan, including:

  • actions that undermine the reputation of a competitor, colluding to limit production, divide markets, maintain monopoly high or low prices;
  • misappropriation of other sides’ trademarks (brand names), information that allows to copy products of other manufacturers, as well as other actions not provided for by law.

Profits received as a result of restricting competition and other actions not provided for by law are subject to recovery in the prescribed manner.

Source: Law of Turkmenistan on Entrepreneurship

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