What are the obligations of entrepreneur in Turkmenistan?

What are the obligations of entrepreneur in Turkmenistan?
The entrepreneur is obliged to pay wages to wage earners not lower than the minimum established by the state.

In accordance with Article 7 of the Law of Turkmenistan on Entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur is obliged to:

  • pay wages to wage earners not lower than the minimum established by the state;
  • carry out state pension insurance of employees in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Turkmenistan;
  • fully pay all hired employees, regardless of the financial condition of the enterprise;
  • carry out measures to ensure environmental safety, labor protection, safety, industrial hygiene and sanitation, guided by the current regulations and standards;
  • observe the rights and legitimate interests of consumers, ensure the proper quality of the goods (works, services) produced;
  • obtain licenses for certain types of activities for which a license is required on the territory of Turkmenistan;
  • timely submit the necessary information to the state statistical bodies and the tax authority in the prescribed manner;
  • declare bankruptcy of the enterprise in case of impossibility to fulfill obligations to creditors.

Source: Law of Turkmenistan on Entrepreneurship

March 13, 2025