Turkmen Company Manufactures Car Batteries Through Waste-Free Production Process

Turkmen Company Manufactures Car Batteries Through Waste-Free Production Process
Kökçi produces several types of batteries of various capacities for cars and trucks.

Kökçi Economic Society was the first private company in Turkmenistan to establish in 2016 a production of auto batteries from secondary raw materials, Neytralnyi Turkmenistan newspaper reported on Saturday.

The enterprise produces several types of batteries of various capacities for cars and trucks, said Kakajan Rejepov, the company executive. The raw materials required for production are obtained by recycling worn-out acid batteries. In addition, the company produces product bodies from domestic propylene.

“Using modern technological equipment from global manufacturers, we have established a completely waste-free production,” Rejepov said.

“The company is currently exporting car batteries of Kuwwat, Ýyldyrym and TM Power brands to Afghanistan. Business contacts have also been established with Turkey and Uzbekistan,” Kakajan Rejepov added.

The company’s production plant, which employs about a hundred specialists, is located in the industrial zone of Lebap velayat’s Turkmenabat city.

March 13, 2025