Serdar Cotton-Spinning Mill Produces Nearly 918 Tons of Yarn

Serdar Cotton-Spinning Mill Produces Nearly 918 Tons of Yarn
Serdar cotton-spinning mill processes more than 2,000 tons of cotton fiber annually.

Serdar cotton-spinning mill, located in the administrative center of Turkmenistan’s Dashoguz velayat, has produced 917.5 tons of yarn since the beginning of this year, the country’s official media reported on Thursday.

The factory of the Ministry of Textile Industry processes more than 2,000 tons of cotton fiber annually and produces 1,750 tons of yarn, according to the report.

The enterprise is equipped with latest technology. The mill also produces furniture cotton from industrial waste.

Serdar cotton-spinning mill employs 187 people. The enterprise’s products are exported to countries such as Russia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan.

March 13, 2025