Turkmen Banks’ Loans Near 79 Billion Manats

Shatlyk Geldiyev
Turkmen Banks’ Loans Near 79 Billion Manats
The total amount of loans provided to citizens and non-state entrepreneurs in national currency amounted to 15.672 billion manats.

As of February 2022, the total amount of loans allocated by credit institutions of Turkmenistan to enterprises, organizations and population in national currency totaled 78.934 billion manats, which is 11.9% more compared to the same period of 2021. As of February 2021, the banks’ issued loans amounted to 70.511 billion manats, according to the data of Central Bank of Turkmenistan.

As of February 1 this year, the state institutions and enterprises received loans in the amount of 54.274 billion manats, which exceeds the relevant indicator for the same period of 2021 by 4,4%. In 2021 such loans totaled 51.964 billion manats.

According to the Central Bank statistics as of February 1 this year, the amount of loans in national currency provided to non-state companies and organizations in national currency totaled 8.988 billion manats, a 64.6% increase compared to the same period of 2021 (5.459 billion manats).

Moreover, the total amount of loans provided to citizens and non-state entrepreneurs in national currency as of February 2022 amounted to 15.672 billion manats, which is 19.74% more compared to same period of 2021. In February 2021, this figure stood at 13.088 billion manats.

During the online cabinet meeting in December last year, President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution on the approval of the Program to reduce the impact on the country's economy of complications encountered in the global economy, and the stable development of the national economy in 2022.

During the meeting, the Head of Turkmenistan also signed Resolution allowing the Central Bank and authorized credit institutions to postpone until January 1, 2023 the payment deadlines of the balances of ministries, sectoral departments and khyakimliks unpaid as of January 1, 2022 on allocated loan funds, as well as unpaid interest rates calculated in the previous period.

Shatlyk Geldiyev

Lecturer of State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan

March 13, 2025