Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Reviews New Construction Projects in Arkadag

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Reviews New Construction Projects in Arkadag
Arkadag, Turkmenistan

On Sunday, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty, and Honorary Elder, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, made a working visit to Arkadag to review the projects of the second phase of construction in the new city. He also held a meeting with relevant officials.

Currently, construction in the second phase of the smart city, initiated and supported by Arkadag himself in the scenic foothills of the Kopetdag mountains, is progressing steadily. The approach to the design and implementation of social and industrial infrastructure projects reflects responsibility and attention to required standards.

Arriving in Arkadag, a city based on the "smart city" concept, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov observed the combination of advanced technologies and traditional national architecture.

As preparations for Turkmenistan's main national holiday—Independence Day—are in full swing, efforts are being made to maintain the cleanliness of roads, parks, and the areas surrounding city buildings.

D. Orazov, Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan, and G. Mammedova, head of the city administration, reported on the construction progress. They also presented plans and projects for social infrastructure, including a shopping center, an originally designed hotel, a modern park, high-rise residential buildings, a sanatorium, an IT education center, a business center, and an agricultural university.

Additionally, a wellness park and an electronic device for displaying carpets were presented for review.

After examining the construction plans, Arkadag provided several comments and suggestions. He emphasized that all upcoming projects must meet the "smart city" concept. The design of social infrastructure buildings, for instance, should align with their functional purpose.

The Hero of Turkmenistan also highlighted the importance of adhering to urban planning requirements, ensuring high-quality construction, and considering the landscape and local ecosystem.

Berdimuhamedov suggested revising several projects, particularly the campus of the Agricultural University, aiming to create a cohesive complex including educational facilities and research centers. He stressed the need for greenery around the park and roads, advocating a scientific approach to selecting plants suited to the local climate.

When it comes to the construction of buildings, he emphasized the importance of focusing on interior design, which should harmonize with the city’s distinctive carpet patterns.

The National Leader also stressed the role of digital technologies in Arkadag, particularly in the demonstration of Turkmen carpets, with multilingual information provided to enhance accessibility for visitors.

Following the review, Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with D. Orazov and G. Mammedova, where Orazov discussed the progress of the second phase of construction. He also reported on investment talks held during recent forums, which focused on attracting technology and innovations to Arkadag.

Berdimuhamedov instructed officials to ensure the timely completion of all projects in accordance with the established schedule and urged continued efforts to attract investment in both the industrial infrastructure and medical cluster of Arkadag.

The National Leader noted that the new city, built with advanced technologies, should meet modern requirements and that durable materials should be used to ensure the longevity of the buildings. 

Berdimuhamedov also emphasized the significance of blending elements of national architecture with modern innovations across all projects, especially residential buildings.

G. Mammedova provided updates on the settlement of newly constructed residential buildings and preparations for upcoming national holidays. A cultural program has been developed for these celebrations, including Independence Day, Healthcare Workers' Day, and International Day of Neutrality.

Arkadag, recognized as a "City of Youth," bears the responsibility of fostering patriotism and respect for national traditions among the younger generation. Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of collaboration between educators and the older generation in cultivating pride and love for the country among Turkmen youth.

As digital technologies play a key role in Arkadag, Berdimuhamedov called for expanding their use and incorporating innovative solutions into newly constructed homes. He noted the growing international recognition of the city, as evidenced by the three awards Arkadag received at the World Smart City Expo in South Korea.

Finally, Berdimuhamedov reflected on the success of the "President's Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028," which is contributing to the transformation of cities and improving the quality of life for citizens.

Wishing everyone success in achieving their goals, the National Leader departed from the site.


Source: TDH