Kiçi Gala Supports Export of Turkmen Entrepreneurs’ Products

Kiçi Gala Supports Export of Turkmen Entrepreneurs’ Products
Kiçi Gala economic society, which began the production of plastic products in 2018, buys the necessary raw materials from the Kiyanly polymer plant.

Kiçi Gala economic society, located in Lebap velayat’s Turkmenabat city in the northeastern Turkmenistan, helps to export products of local entrepreneurs.

Founded in 2015, Kiçi Gala company facilitated last year the export of over 80 tons of polypropylene bags, over 40 tons of polypropylene fabrics, over 70 tons of polypropylene yarns produced by private owners to foreign countries, including Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Belarus.

The company, which also began the production of plastic products in 2018, buys the necessary raw materials from the Kiyanly polymer plant.

Kichi Gala produced last year 2.1 thousand pieces of 10-liter plastic buckets, 100 thousand pieces of pens, 10 tons of plastic shuttles.

This year, the company plans to cooperate in the export of tomato crops with foreign and local companies.