Turkmen Companies Construct 165 Homes in Kerki

Turkmen Companies Construct 165 Homes in Kerki
Opening ceremony of commissioned residential buildings in Turkmenabat city, Lebap province, Turkmenistan, September 26, 2022.

Private enterprises like Pisseli, Arzuwly Ugur, Paýhasly Yörelge, and Syrly Sandyk in Turkmenistan are swiftly constructing 165 one- and two-story residential houses in the northern part of Kerki town, Lebap province.

Financed through 30-year mortgages, these houses are being constructed in the northern part of Kerki in Lebap province, as reported by the official Turkmen media on Thursday.

Seventy-two additional residential houses in Kerki city are reaching completion.

Opening ceremony of the residential house for the staff of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan, Lebap province, January 24, 2024, Lebap province, Turkmenistan.

A four-story residential building for the Ministry of Justice personnel in Lebap province was inaugurated in Turkmenabat on January 24, coinciding with the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.

March 13, 2025