Turkish Airlines Expands TKCONNECT Through Strategic Partnerships

Turkish Airlines Expands TKCONNECT Through Strategic Partnerships
Istanbul International Airport, Türkiye (Photo: hurriyetdailynews)

Turkish Airlines has made a significant advancement in its distribution program, aligning with the NDC (New Distribution Capability) standard by expanding its TKCONNECT platform through strategic partnerships with seven leading content aggregators. The airline has partnered with Travelfusion, Verteil, DRCT, Mystifly, Nuua, Nuflights, and Theta to enhance the booking process and improve customer service, as reported by the Turkmenistan Transport and Communications Agency.

This collaboration aims to provide Turkish Airlines’ partners access to its vast global network and services. TKCONNECT will serve as an innovative tool for travel agents, enabling them to create personalized itineraries, offer unique deals, and streamline the booking process. Ultimately, this is expected to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Turkish Airlines’ Chief Commercial Officer, Ahmet Olmustur, highlighted that the new partnerships reflect the airline’s strategy to provide high-quality travel services to its customers. He emphasized that the expertise of the content aggregators will help increase the reach and influence of TKCONNECT.

Turkish Airlines invites travelers to embark on unforgettable journeys worldwide, offering a wide range of destinations and attractive offers.