Greenhouse in Mary Supplies Stores With Locally-Grown Bananas

Greenhouse in Mary Supplies Stores With Locally-Grown Bananas
The 1-hectare banana greenhouse has been yielding tropical fruits for two years.

Ferhar Economic Society every week delivers 500 kilograms of bananas, grown in its greenhouses, to stores in the city of Mary in southeastern Turkmenistan.

The crop harvest is underway and the number of flowering plants suggests its stability. At the same time, the company prepares for the autumn planting of the banana seedlings.

The company’s banana greenhouse, located on a 1-hectare plot in the Sakarchage etrap of the Mary velayat, has been yielding tropical fruits for two years. Entrepreneurs have successfully mastered the technology and subtleties of growing the tropical plants.

The greenhouse is 9-meter high due to the height of the giant banana plants. 2,000 banana seedlings were originally planted in the greenhouse, of which 1800 adapted to the greenhouse conditions.