Turkmen Agricultural Producers Intend to Start Export of Mung Beans

Turkmen Agricultural Producers Intend to Start Export of Mung Beans
Mung bean can be used as a catch crop after the wheat harvest.

The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) in 2019 initiated and began implementing a project aimed at increasing the volume of cultivation and improving the quality of mung beans, and creating conditions for exporting them.

Ter Önüm Economic Society became one of the organizers of measures taken in this direction. The company created a scientific center in its structure to conduct the agricultural activities in this direction on a scientific basis. Agrarian scientists are involved in the work at the Center. In the course of the project, seminars for agricultural producers are held every Saturday, where scientists introduce the private farmers to the specifics of growing mung bean, its new varieties and measures to combat crop pests.

The popularity of these classes is so great that they started to take place at the Turkmen Agricultural University. The theme of the seminars has also expanded. The seminars now include lectures on growing different types of vegetables in Turkmenistan.

According to the concluded agreements, different varieties of mung bean were tested in farm associations in different regions of Turkmenistan, which made it possible to identify the most persistent and suitable regions for their cultivation.

Mung bean can be used as a catch crop after the wheat harvest as it helps to increase soil fertility due to its richness in nitrogen. Cutivation of mung beans requires little water.