Farmers in Turkmenistan’s Dashoguz Increase Sowing of Winter Onions

Farmers in Turkmenistan’s Dashoguz Increase Sowing of Winter Onions
The farmers planted selected varieties of onions adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the region.

Farmer’s in Turkmenistan’s northern velayat of Dashoguz for the first time planted winter onions in a massive scale, Turkmenistan’s Golden Age news outlet reported on Tuesday.

A thousand hectares of land were allocated for winter onions in the Dashoguz velayat, 500 of them - in the Novbahar farmers' association of S.A. Niyazov etrap, and 400 hectares - in the N.Andalyp and Şawat farmers' associations and in a number of some private structures of Gurbansoltan-eje etrap.

The farmers planted selected varieties of onions adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the region, characterized by high winter hardiness and disease resistance, and early ripening. To obtain a spring harvest, farmers intend to strictly adhere to scientific recommendations on the proper care of the winter crops.

Farmers of the Dashoguz velayat annually achieve good results in growing fruit and vegetable, horticultural and melon crops. This fall, the farmers had harvested over 9 thousand tons of spring-planted onions in Gurbansoltan-eje etrap and over 5.5 thousand tons of the onions in S.A. Niyazov etrap.

Presently, local farmers, in accordance with the tasks set by the state for the domestic agro-industrial complex, intend to significantly increase the volume of agricultural products produced in the region, including getting high yields of catch crops and some varieties of late autumn planting crops.

March 26, 2025