Turkmen Farmers Collect Rich Harvest of Crops

Turkmen Farmers Collect Rich Harvest of Crops
Rice from Enebay Hudayberdiyeva's fields, known to consumers as Dashoguz rice, is in high demand in Turkmenistan.

Enebay Hudayberdiyeva, a native of the Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi etrap of Dashoguz velayat managed to collect 92 centners of rice from each of 2.5 hectares of leased land this year, Turkmenistan’s Bereketli Toprak newspaper reported on Monday.

According to the newspaper, rice from the farmer’s fields, known to consumers as Dashoguz rice, is in high demand in the country.

In addition, the farmer Charymyrat Atayev from the Karakum etrap of the Mary velayat harvested more than 400 tons of sugar beet from 15 hectares of land. Last year, Atayev also achieved considerable success by collected 30 centners of wheat from each hectare of the leased plot.

Adyl Saparov, a specialist at the Tebigy Ekin farm enterprise in the Charjev etrap of Lebap velayat, grows 13 types of vegetable products on a 953-hectare land plot allocated for 99 years. The farmer received a rich harvest of cabbage from 6 hectares - more than 150 tons.

March 27, 2025